Exploring the Future of Work: Insights from Industry Experts at the Your FLOCK event.

3 min readMay 12, 2023

We recently hosted a webinar on the future of work for creative, tech and marketing agencies. This engaging discussion featured insights from esteemed speakers, business owners and thought leaders.

A big thank you to these industry experts for their valuable contributions!

A recording of the webinar is now available on YouTube. If you’re interested in a two-week free trial on Your FLOCK’s employee feedback platform, simply click the “book demo” button on our homepage.

Key takeaways from the event:

Adapting Leadership Styles and Fostering Company Culture

Rapid advancements in technology and the adoption of hybrid workplaces necessitate a shift in leadership dynamics. It’s crucial to develop a team with complementary skill sets that work together seamlessly, promoting efficiency and employee engagement. Understanding each member’s strengths paves the way for effective delegation, goal-setting, and productivity. YourFLOCK’s employee feedback platform can serve as a vital tool in engaging and understanding employees, thus fostering innovation and growth.

Humanising the Hybrid Workplace

The rise of hybrid work environments calls for an emphasis on the human factor. A supportive and inclusive company culture that prioritises mental well-being, psychological safety, and effective leadership directly contributes to job satisfaction and performance. Encouraging work-life balance, flexible working arrangements, and personalised benefits will support innovation, creativity, and employee engagement.

Maintaining Employee Engagement and Retention

To retain top talent, companies must cultivate a positive workplace culture and offer competitive benefits, such as hybrid working and mental well-being support. As highlighted by our speakers, personalised benefits and company values should align with employee priorities and preferences. This approach can significantly impact employee satisfaction and retention.

Angela Prentner-Smith from This Is Milk and Neve Learning put it simply:

“Companies have to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.”

Work-Life Integration and Avoiding Burnout in Hybrid Work

Striking a balance between work and personal life is vital for employees’ mental well-being. A healthy work-life integration can boost employee engagement and productivity while avoiding burnout. Managers should focus on empathetic communication, goal-setting, and identifying early signs of disengagement, as emphasised by Nikki Scrivener of Fourth Day PR. As Lisa Lloyd of It’s Time For Change advised, it’s important to ask employees,

“How they want to feel at work to get the most out of them.”

YourFLOCK’s employee feedback platform can assist managers in understanding individual team members, fostering a supportive environment that benefits employees and promotes collaboration in the hybrid workplace.

In conclusion, navigating the complexities of the hybrid workplace requires an employee-centric approach, prioritising engagement and personalised benefits.

Incorporating YourFLOCK’s employee feedback platform can significantly impact employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Don’t miss the opportunity to watch our webinar to gain more insights on the future of work for creative, tech, and marketing agencies.




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