Are We Yet To See The TRUE Power of Hybrid Working And AI?

8 min readMar 24, 2023

Welcome to this edition of the Future of Work newsletter! This is a special edition as this week has been crazy not just at Your FLOCK — the employee feedback platform — but in the world of tech in general. Especially in AI with everything going on. This newsletter is NOT about artificial intelligence but the amount this is going to change the future of work means we have to discuss it.

And to celebrate Your FLOCK’s own little movement into AI and helping people be happier at work with our new innovation but more on that in April.

So this edition, we’re diving deep into some fascinating articles that explore different facets of hybrid work, hybrid working, employee engagement, the future of work, and company culture. And also the newest developments in AI. And we’ll discuss how these pieces fit together to create a mosaic of insights on the exciting developments shaping our workspaces.


First up, let’s discuss Bill Gates’ recent interview with Geekwire puts these AI breakthroughs in perspective, calling them the biggest tech advancements since the graphical user interface.

I am totally with him on this — as we are playing around with AI for Your FLOCK at the moment and to be honest — the GPT4 stuff is breathtaking to the point of us not knowing what to do with it. This thing is going to change the world.

It’s not just me (and other AI fans that say this) as Bill Gates is emphasising how AI’s transformative power can impact all industries across the board. He specifically mentions Chatbot GPT as a tool that has overcome his initial reservations as:

“Bill Gates writes that he challenged OpenAI last year to develop an AI model that could pass the Advanced Placement biology exam without being trained for the questions on the test. He believed that the critical thinking required to pass the test would qualify as a clear breakthrough in the field.

“I thought the challenge would keep them busy for two or three years,” writes the Microsoft co-founder and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-chair. “They finished it in just a few months.”

Make no mistake, the gears of progress are turning, and we’re about to witness some incredible changes in the workplace.


Meanwhile, an engaging Bloomberg piece where Chatbot GPT, an AI marvel from OpenAI, has governments worldwide recalculating the AI regulation landscape. This technology is pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities, opening doors for companies to provide exceptional hybrid working experiences. But there’s a flip side, as the rapid development of AI is also causing concern amongst world leaders due to ethical issues such as job loss and fake news. The delicate balance that must be struck between innovation and regulation will inevitably affect the future of work as we know it.

For many of us, the question will be will the governments work quickly enough and in our interest as workers. Or slowly in the interest of big business. And I think you know the answer. Some big changes are coming…

But with work sometimes, it’s the smaller changes that bring significant results. That’s where asynchronous communication comes into play. So let’s think of some positives as in today’s hybrid work environment, experts are singing praises for asynchronous communication’s ability to increase productivity, flexibility, and enhance work-life balance.

A detailed Training Zone article outlines the benefits of embracing this mode of communication, guiding us on implementing successful strategies in our own workplaces. Through the power of technology, asynchronous communication paves the way for a more harmonious and efficient company culture.

Which is something mentioned in my new book (which you can get for FREE as a friend of Your FLOCK)


However, we can’t ignore some of the property and maybe social concerns raised by the Make Work Better article, which examines the financial consequences of widespread remote work. It poses intriguing questions about the stability of commercial office space in the era of WFH. Office space occupancy is still down 40%. As Forbes point out:

“In New York at the end of January 2023, 52% of Manhattan office workers were in the office on an average weekday.

This is a jaw-droppingly low number for the most vibrant city in the world, pretty much three full years after the start of the pandemic. About 10% of the local workforce is fully remote, and only 9% of employees are in the office five days a week.

The return-to-office trend seems to have plateaued as the fast acceleration of returns did not occur. The “new normal” seems to hover around 55%-60% office occupancy.”

So can the modern city centre really exist like this? New York is famed for its hustle and bustle. And a thriving business centre. So if they are in trouble, what about the rest of the world’s cities. So it was interesting to be asked on a special panel talk for a board for a London property think tank the other week. To talk about how offices need to be made into new spaces. And perhaps even homes for people…

The event was scheduled to be in London and face to face and on my birthday. So I didn’t attend. And they weren’t doing hybrid participation for the event. So that might have spoken volumes.

However, in this great article, despite the challenges, Bruce reiterates the enormous benefits of engaging employees through remote work, urging employers to consider hybrid work models to maintain a balance between employee well-being and financial stability.

But how do we weave all these threads together? To make hybrid work truly successful, it’s essential to build a strong company culture that focuses on employee satisfaction, engagement, and flexibility. The future of work isn’t primarily about developing new technologies or navigating financial markets. At its core, it is about understanding what makes people tick and implementing practices that make our workplaces more human.


If this is the case. Let’s join hands in embracing hybrid work models and using technology responsibly, acknowledging the enormous potential they hold. Not just technologies for our people hybrid working like Your FLOCK but also AI and it’s ability to take jobs and change jobs too. The future of work is about striking the right balance between people and profits, leading to a brighter, more engaged, and sustainable future. We have it within our power to shape the workplaces of tomorrow, and it’s time we made the most of this opportunity.

Cheers. Here’s to a future filled with engaged, happy employees and thriving, adaptable companies! Not just ones using AI. But everyone. Oh and if you want to know how close we are to AI being a force to be reckoned with. Have a read of this…

The Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4.


“Given the breadth and depth of GPT-4’s capabilities, we believe that it could reasonably be viewed as an early (yet still incomplete) version of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) system.“

Now that has big enough implications for the future.

And not just the future of work.

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References for the piece and an AI summing up on the articles for this issue.

Geekwire article:

1. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, describes recent AI breakthroughs as the most significant tech advancement since the graphical user interface.

2. Gates emphasizes the transformative power of AI and the potential impact it can have on all industries.

3. He recognizes the importance of developing and embracing AI technology with proper regulations and guidelines.

4. Gates urges governments and organizations to invest in AI research and implementation.

5. He specifically mentions Chatbot GPT as an AI tool that facilitates hybrid working and significantly impacts employee engagement.

Bloomberg article:

1. The article discusses the impact of Chatbot GPT and how it is making governments reconsider AI regulations.

2. Chatbot GPT has been developed by OpenAI, a leading AI research lab, and has significantly improved AI’s capabilities.

3. Governments and regulators are working to create new rules and regulations to ensure a safer usage of AI, considering potential concerns like job loss, human rights, and fake news.

4. The article highlights the rapid development of AI causing concern among world leaders, regulators, and experts.

5. The article also explains that Chatbot GPT is a powerful tool but has ethical concerns since it can be misused for nefarious purposes.

Training Zone article:

1. The article focuses on asynchronous communication and its growing importance in hybrid work environments.

2. Asynchronous communication is the exchange of information without an immediate response, allowing for more flexibility and efficiency.

3. The writer outlines the benefits of asynchronous communication, including increased productivity and improved work-life balance for employees.

4. The article shares tips on how to implement successful asynchronous communication strategies and foster a strong company culture.

5. The author recognizes the role of technological tools in facilitating asynchronous communication in hybrid working environments.

Make Work Better article:

1. The article explores the potential effects of widespread remote work on the financial sector.

2. It examines how the shift to remote work, or Working From Home (WFH), led by the COVID-19 pandemic, is changing the nature of office work and company culture.

3. The author argues that WFH could ultimately lead to a significant reduction in demand for commercial office space, which may impact the financial stability of related industries.

4. The article also highlights how remote work enhances employee engagement and productivity, despite its potential financial consequences.

5. It encourages employers to embrace hybrid work models, which combine on-site and remote work, to foster a good balance between employee well-being and financial stability.

Forbes article:

1,The Forbes article addresses the ongoing shift in the future of work, focusing on the effects it has on office buildings and American downtown areas.

2.The rise of remote work and hybrid models due to the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing commercial real estate to adapt to new work patterns and needs.

3.Office spaces must adjust by providing more flexible, health-conscious, technology-oriented, and even adaptable spaces for employees.

4.Urban planning and public transportation systems will also need to evolve, as there may be a reduced demand for commuting services.

5. The article highlights the importance of considering the long-term impact of remote and hybrid work on cities, real estate, and businesses to ensure a sustainable future of work.

The Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4




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